
I bought a couple of the ATtiny85 chips and the PGM-11801 for them from you a while back and decided to give it a try. I believe that I’ve installed the driver for the PGM okay. I can’t get past installing the ATtiny board manager into the Arduino tools. I’ve followed the Sparkfun tutorial for this but it appears to be pretty dated and doesn’t work as shown. I have the latest Arduino V2.3.2 installed. There are two versions of the download to use; I used the one for V1.6 and installed it into Arduino/hardware/ATtiny as shown.

I’ve searched for other solutions and tried different json scripts but none worked to bring up the ATtiny list that the tutorial describes.

I’ve tried everything that I can think of, please tell me how I’m supposed to install this.

Try an older version of Arduino, I’ve had luck with 1.8.19.

Thanks, I installed Arduino 1.8.19 and got much further. I was able to successfully follow the tutorial all the way up to uploading the blink program. Then I got the following error messages:

Error resolving FQBN: board

Error compiling for board ATtiny.

I followed the troubleshooting guide exactly, uninstalled/reinstalled the USB driver, unplugged/plugged the Tiny AVR programmer, closed then reopened the Arduino tool but none of that made any difference. I’m stuck, any further help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Sparkfun, could this mean that the PGM-11801 is bad? I’ve tried a different USB cable. I’ve reset the PC. I’ve unplugged the PGM-11801 and plugged it back in multiple times. I’ve closed the Arduino tools and reopened them. The PGM-11801 driver is installed exactly as illustrated in the tutorial. I’ve uninstalled it and reinstalled it. I’ve tried renaming it to tinyISP then tried renaming it to USBtinyISP, the same as the name from the programmer list. Nothing works, same errors as indicated above. I’ve tried everything I can think of and don’t know what else to do!!! HELP please!