Error while uploading: missing 'recipe.cpp.o.pattern' config

This is the error message I do received when trying to upload the Blink Sketch to an attiny85 Atmel chip via the sparkfun attiny programmer hooked to my pc via USB.

Does not have this problem with a Arduino uno board

Please help

I do have the latest Arduino software (1.6 I think)

I do run windows 8.1

Let me know if you have other questions ?



The Uno has a different AVR iC on it, the mega328. Have you loaded the boards.txt files for the attiny? You might want to try and use 1.0.5 IDE, as that is meant for the 8 bit chips. If you don’t have the ARM based boards, than you don’t need the 1.6 IDE.

avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device “usb”

This is the error message I have wnen I try with 1.0.6

Any suggestions welcome


Right port and board selected? You haven’t answered if you modified the boards.txt file.

From you “Right port and board selected? You haven’t answered if you modified the boards.txt file.”

I am not sure what I need to answer here.

Into my Arduino, I do select board ATtiny

Then select processor ATtiny85

then select speed 1 MHZ internal

Then I edit the blink script and replace port 13 with port 0

Then upload that script to the chip with a sparkfun attiny programmer

avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device “usb”

I did not edit any text file, board or any other one.

I did upload in the folder hardware from arduino the folder download from sparkfun named Attiny with all the file inside.

Am I answering your question ?



I am not sure what I need to answer here.

Into my Arduino, I do select board ATtiny

Then select processor ATtiny85

then select speed 1 MHZ internal

I don’t see where you can select individual items in the IDE…

Hi there, I think that I found the problem.

Somehow I was still using in the programmer option “Arduino ISP”

I never even know you had to go there.

I did select instead USBTinyISP and then was able to upload without any more error message

and yes the led was finally blinking

Thanks you for your help.

Very happy Daduhaime.