I wanted to give everyone a heads up. i got an email from AutoDesk saying that they are planning to stop support for EAGLE. what they’re doing is trying to force everyone to use FUSION 360, which I can understand from a business point of view, I guess. But what about the people that use the product? they forgot about us or just don’t care. Me, I’m moving to Altium Designer, and I suggest you all do the same. Altium is actually running a promotion right now. $995/year for EAGLE users looking to make a move: Go Altium | Altium

but honestly, how would they know that you’re switching from EAGLE??? I’m going to jump on this while I can.

Yep…I noticed a thing in Autodesk the other day that told me ‘free’ memberships would ‘remain free for one more year’ or something…so it’ll only be pay-to-play, looks like

I just installed the free Eagle version 9.6.0 from the Autodesk web page. When starting Eagle the splash page references their (still in the) future plans for it: … ectronics/

The sky might not be falling. Disclaimer: I haven’t yet downloaded Fusion 360.

"Effective June 7, 2026, Autodesk will no longer sell or support EAGLE. Moving forward, we will continue to invest our energy in Fusion 360 Electronics. "

“EAGLE Free Subscribers: Fusion 360 for Personal Use is the suggested path forward. Fusion 360 for Personal Use is free and includes integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE functionality, up to two sheets per schematics, two Signal Layers, and a 80mm2 board area. If you’re looking for more, cost-effective monthly and annual subscription options are available.”

The move to fusion is unworkable, untenable, and unusable for the following reasons:

many of us are unwilling and unable due to security reasons to have our designs and IP handles and stored in the cloud on someone elses computer which we have no control over.
there is no means to run fusion natively under any linux distro.
from autodesk's own anouncement, the personal edition of fusion only supports 80mm2 of board area which is literally smaller than a postage stamp!  (a board that is 1cmx1cm is 100mm2 which 100 is a bit greater than 80 is it not?)  This makes the personal version completely unusable.  

@Sparkfun has a large investment in eagle in both libraries and board designs? what direction is spark fun going? Will we see all future libraries and boards from sparkfun done in kicad or is there another direction @sparkfun is going?

Hi @Johngalt ,

SparkFun migrated to KiCad a while ago. We’re using it for all current board designs. It’s fantastic. And open-source…

Best wishes,