Autodriver L6470 stepper speed

Hi All!

Doing a project where I need the Autodriver L6470 to run a Nema-17 motor with 100:1 gearing.

The motor is rated for 1.7A.

The power supply is set for 24V and 1.7A.

However, I cannot get the driver to run the motor at its rated speed. It should be able to run at around 34 rpm, but goes much slower than that. It will begin to skip steps at around 1500 steps/s.

I know that the motor can spin faster, since I tried with a PoSted-60 driver, and was able to get the motor to spin at its rated speed.

I’ve tried to change every setting in the included example file but simply cannot get the motor to run at more than 1500 steps/s.

I’ve upped the OCThreshold, played around with the KVAL values, tried slow acceleration, fast acceleration, everything.

Does anybody have any idea how I will get the driver to spin the motor faster?