AVR-JTAG-USB Dead on arival

My USB JTAG won’t start. The computer detects the USB serial device OK and I use the correct drivers. I cannot get AVRStudio (version 4.11) to detect any device on the serial port the USB driver hooked up for me. The device is not connected to a target and the LED is off (not even the slightest blink). What am I missing here?


:oops: It just struck me that the thing is supposed to be opto-isolated and may need to be hooked up to the target in order for the jtag-side to get power. I’ll try that as soon as I get home…


OK, i now have the debugger connected to 5V and the led is now on. AVRStudio still does not recognise any device on the comport (alltohugh the USB COMPort chip seems to work allright mounting a new comport when attaching the device). Since the device comes with no notes at all, what’s the step by step procedure to get this thing to work?


OK, I use STK500 which dosn’t have a JTAG connector. After having connected all pins on the jtag interface to the ASK500 and rechecked it a couple of times, it suddenly started working…doh!


Thanks for keeping us updated Henrik! Sounds like you had a mis-connection somewhere. Glad to hear you have it up and running.


Just found that AVRStudio 4.11 may have issues with USB ports connected at higher than COM4!

Just found that AVRStudio 4.11 may have issues with USB ports connected at higher than COM4!

I believe that AVRPROG only supports COM1 through COM4. I’ve successfully connected to an Olimex JTAG ICE using a BAFO USB-to-serial converter configured on COM6.
