AVR Pocket Programmer shows up under "Atmel USB Devices"


I am trying to get my recently purchased AVR Pocket Programmer running under Windows 10.

It shows up under Atmel USB Devices->Unknown Device #1. Zadig does’nt recognize it, but according to properties the driver is libusb-win32, which i installed. Nevertheless, it does not create a comport to write to (which I assume i need, since uploading with programmer does not work in the arduino IDE).

I used an AVR Pocket Programmer with Arduino before (on another PC, I am not sure about the current one), and the setup worked well as described in the setup guide.

I could not find anything related on the internet, so i would appreciate any help.

Did the driver install via zadig say that it finished successfully? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/po … ng-drivers afterward, the ‘green’ section shows how to rename the device

Is it appearing as described under the libusb-win32 devices (as an ‘unknown device’?)

These programmers DO NOT generate a com port and one is not needed for them to function.