Basic suggestion for future boards


Recently I wanted to integrate an XBee Explorer regulated into a circuit made with a perfboard.

However because of the pin alignment it is a bit difficult.

Just to show the difference, here is how it goes with an Arduino Pro Mini from Sparkfun and the variant from Watterott : the pins from the Wattuino fit the alignment from the perfboard pins while the the pins from the Arduino Pro Mini don’t.

So I’d suggest to systematically align the pins to perfboard rows in future boards. Perfboard compatibility is quite useful when you are a beginner.

Just my two cents…


Thanks for the feedback on this. We do try to design our products to fit a standard 0.1" spacing that is compatible with the average breadboard. However, I will make sure your suggestion is brought up when we reexamine our design rules again. Thanks!

Great !

I’m doing something very similar but with no problem.

The left edge pins on your pictures are duplicate pinouts that I use only for programming facing sideways with male pins while the other layout is perfectly aligned with my perfboard, facing down. The only thing missing is A4-A7 which is on the watt but not on the SFE ProMini, the rest is pin-by-pin aligned right?