Beginner AVR-IO-M16 question, how to start

Hi everyone,

My AVR-IO-M16 has arrived and I’m now just realizing how much I still need to learn to get it actually running. Before this I’ve only done small experiments with an Arduino 2009 and Processing as the environment.

So, how do I get started with this one? I have a windows laptop, with an RS232 port and cable.

I guess I need a programming environment and software, that communicates with the board itself. I would like to get to a point, where I can have something connected to one of the relays and switch it on/off in one second intervals.

Thanks for the help,


Join AVR Freaks!


Thanks, just found it, it’s a great site!

Get C compiler and IDE

Atmel AVR Studio + WinAVR. Free, but not as good as one of the commercial compilers listed in this website’s tools area. I’d recommend the free limited size starter version of IAR, or secondarily, CodevisionAVR.

To use Structured Basic, cannot be beat.

You’ll need an in system programmer (ISP) unless you use hardware with a serial port bootloader - and those can be had free here in the Projects section.

Bon Voyage

Alright, it seems like we’ve fried the board…

Installed WinAVR+AVR Studio, compiled a tutorial project and then tried to connect to the board via this [serial programmer cable.

We’ve tried to connect from AVR Studio, PonyProg as well as avrdude.

At one point, unfortunately not clear anymore, the status LED stopped working. When trying to write/verify PonyProg sometimes reports success, sometimes failure, avrdude constantly reports no sync (0x00) error.

Is there a surefire way to see if the IC is gone? Hope the board can be rescued still…](AVR STK Serial Port Dongle Programmer - PGM-00014 - SparkFun Electronics)

You should have got an Atmel AVRISP or a Dragon, they are much less trouble. You might have messed up the fuses if you configured them wrong, making the chip impossible to program without an external clock source.
