Need Help With Olimex AVR-IO

Hey guys, im just getting started with a AVR-IO with a attiny2313, I have downloaded the sample code (avr-ioUART) and the ponyprog. The more I search on forums the more confused I become so here are some of my questions:

First - Status LED, when should this be on / off?

Second, when programming the chip, I first open the .hex file and wrote that and then opened the .eep file and wrote that, is this this correct proceedure? do i just disconnect after this?

Third- I then attempted to connect to the board with hyperterminal through the db9 port, 9600 baud rate and would get nothing…any advice?

Im am using the AVR-PG1 programming dongle

Any help or direction to a manual for this dev board would be great, thanks in advance - Scott

checking: you know about the forum, we hope.

I’m AVR literate but haven’t used that board. I use an Atmel USB programmer (MarkII) with AVR Studio and WinAVR.