How do I use Olimex board with AVR???

I bought a couple AVR ATtiny2313’s and an Olimex AVR-P20 development board from SparkFun a while ago. I have a couple LED’s, resistors etc. and I’m trying to teach myself microcontrollers. What I would like to do is make an ASM program that turns the LED on (essentialy a 1 output from one of the pins on the AVR P20). I have a basic knowledge of how these things work. I just don’t know how to do it. I have a DB9 serial cable from SparkFun along with a 9VDC power adapter. I’m guessing I can just hook this up to my computer and the Olimex board…and then drop the chip into the board and program it? I’ve hooked it all up but the chip’s pins are bent outwards and don’t fit very nicely in the board.

I really have no idea what I’m doing…Could someone just give me some pointers of what to do? (What pin to hook the LED upto, how to send a program from the PC to the MCU…etc)

Have you browsed around ? There are hundreds of sample programs in their Projects uploads area. And an active forum with people who will help you get started. For the (old, obsolete) '2313, you’ll need an In-system-Programmer (ISP) device. Easiest to purchase one for say $40 or so. You can make one that uses the parallel port but it will be a hassle under Windows XP.

You can purchase, for say, $50, a more modern AVR board with a chip that can download your program via a PC serial port link to the board and a bootloader resident in the AVR’s Flash memory. You can even purchase some boards with a pre-programmed bootloader if you don’t have an ISP.