Bio_Sensor Example3_modify_AGC_Algo

Under the Arduino IDE Examples for the SparkFun SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub_Library there seem some typos in example3 by Author: Elias Santistevan

Date: 8/2019

SparkFun Electronics.

Although obvious they might be worth correcting. The errors seem to be in the following lines.

line 65 algoRange)) [one bracket too many]

line 86 readAlgoRange()) [one bracket too many]

line 90 readAlgoStepSize()) [one bracket too many]

line 94 readAlgoSensitivity()) [onebracket too many]

line 98 readAlgoSamples()) [onebracket too many]

line 103 error = bioHub.configBpm(MODE_ONE); [original: error = configBpm(MODE_ONE);]

After these the example seem to compile and work correctly.

I’m working myself through all the examples to use the sensor.

Let me know whether or not you are interested in such feedback.



Hi BioQuest,

Good catch and thanks for bringing this to our attention! I just tested the example and found the exact same issues and with the edits you have laid out it compiles just fine. We’ll get an issue filed for this and update the library with those fixes.