I am using a RedBoard Artemis with the arduinoBLE library. I am having trouble with BLE causing the board to crash after running 30 minutes. Before 30 minutes everything works fine, but after 30 minutes if I try to access BLE, the MbedOS crashes with the attached message sent to the Serial output.
This happens with my code as well as the example code for Peripheral, CallbackLED.
yep… that is a known issue for me. It took me a while (read a week due to the lack of any good documentation) to debug that, and I have posted the reason and solution 2 days ago on https://github.com/sparkfun/Arduino_Apollo3/issues/314. The root cause is memory leak as result of the BLE-heartbeat in combination with ArduinoBLE. After making the change it worked 24 hours without any problems.
As documented in the issue 314, the solution will require a recompile/ install of the mbed-os library. How to do that ? I wrote down the way I handle that and had included that to https://github.com/sparkfun/Arduino_Apollo3/issues/279.
Our engineers monitor GitHub issues and prioritize them as they come in depending on the issue. Due to the holidays, there will be some delays as of now I am afraid.
Hopefully this will get looked at and worked on after the New Year.