
It seems that there’s no news coming from Kytelabs re: their [BLEduino, a 32U4 based “Arduino” w/an added BT LE chip added on. It seems they’ve also spend some time on apps for the iPhone and Android phones. Looks to be a good platform for a lot of BT (and IoT) projects. If Kytelabs isn’t going to carry it forward, perhaps SFE could partner w/them to bring it to market ? It would be a natural (and I think profitable) addition to the existing Arduino lineup.](

So nobody got there items they ordered? Their site is useless. Just a few pics, no links, no Contact Us…

From reading their forum some got some form (?V2?) of hardware, others had their orders cancelled. I’m thinking the 3 amigos may be in over their heads.

Especially if they were assembling the boards themselves. I figure they would use an assembly house considering how much they got, $75,000… I have purchased stuff off of Kickstarter before, but I wonder if there are consequences for not fulfilling orders…