BlueSmirf Blues

So, a couple of things.

When Docklight established the connection, and windows item popped up, and said “A bluetooth device is asking permission to be connected”, or something like that. It then prompted for the PassKey, I typed it in, and the connection was established.

This tells me you have not disabled security. Otherwise you wouldn't need the passkey.

The Arduino IDE can’t see COM9 (assigned as outgoing FireFly-6758 SPP), only COM8 (incoming FireFly-6758), since Docklight can, I’m guessing there’s a problem with Arduino, and proce55ing, HyperTerminal, and realBasic.

There shouldn't be 2 com ports for 1 connection. This is very confusing. What BT stack are you using. 1 built into XP or the Toshiba one? Success doesn't depend on the terminal software, it depends on your BT configuration. Are you using a BT dongle or is it built into your MB? Can you see a BT connection manager or the like?