
Hi Guys,

I am struggling to get my BlueSmirf V2.11 to communicate correctly with my computer.

I have got the Smirf paired with my PC on Com port 16. I have it set to 115200 Baud rate, as I have read on forums that this needs to be so. I have turned the Flow control off also.

When I am in Hyper Terminal, I can connect to port 16, and the Green LED on the smirf lights up, and it says at the bottom of the Hyper Terminal window that it is connected.

If i short the TX and the RX pins together on the Smirf, then i get an echo of what I type. But that is as far as I have got it working. I dont seem to be able to enter the Config mode, by typing +++. If have read somewhere that you need to type $$$ but this doesnt work either.

Can anyone help me out please??



Try connecting at 9600 and typing +++ then AT. If you get an OK back you are connected. I was having the same problem with my bluesmirf silver trying to get it to change to 4800. i’m able to communicate with it now, but it looks as though it doesnt support 4800. What model are you using?

(sorry left out the +++)

I am using the BlueSmirf Gold (New model, with the blue antena). I have tried setting the Baud rate to 9600, and typing both $$$ and also +++ into Hyper Term, but still get no response.

Any ideas?

I have the silver so i was wrong about the defaults for yours, i checked your ref manual and it says 115,200bps is the default with $$$ as the escape sequence. What are you using to connect to it? You can only enter command mode over an RS232 serial cable connection if there is no bluetooth connection. With the bluetooth config you have to enter $$$ within 60 seconds after powerup.