Can not connect to BlueSmirf from PC

Hello all,

I have several BlueSmirf Gold. I do not seem to be able to setup the connection from the Bluetooth and terminal on time, to access command mode, 60 seconds does not seem to be enough. So I an trying to connect directly, all i need to do is change the baud rate to 9600 (as the other parts are) and set the config timer to 255 so I can change configuration from Bluetooth, later on.

I am using hyperterminal; and TeraTerm with the same result

I hooked up Tx and Rx correctly and I shorted the handshaking pins on the bluetooth. (Tx and Rx are TTL level)

I have my serial port as 115200 no parity 8 bit 1 stop, no flow control.

However, when I type $$$ in the serial port terminal, the BlueSmirf sends no acknowledge (no CMD returned).

I have tries everything and no result.

I have read sone other posts and have tried but so far, I cant get it to work.

Do you have a RS232 to TTL level converter hooked between your Bluesmirf and the PC? If not, you need to.

Yes I have TTL level in the serial connections, it is my own board which uses a PIC 18F4550. TX and RX are connected to RS232 through a MAX232ESE.

The TX and RX in the connector for the BlueSmirf are configurable so I can reverse them and remove the PIC from the board, at that point I have a direct RS232 connection to the BlueSmirf.

I haven’t used the Bluesmirf. But I do use the RN41 module. All that should be needed is to connect the transmit and receive pins to the corresponding pins on the Max232 IC and jumper rts to cts. At this point you should be able to enter command mode within 60 seconds of powering up the module. If you’re using Hyperterminal, make sure that handshake is set to none.


cand ssomebody to help me with a verify BT gold

A softwere or a project anything
