I recently acquired a new [BlueSMIRF silver. Everything seems to be working fine, except that I can’t seem to get anything to come out of the TX pin. I found a few threads of people with similar issues, but none of them listed any real solutions.
I installed bluesoliel.
I wired up my blueSmirf to an arduino, as described in the first comment on the product page (rx to tx, tx to rx, power/gnd to power/gnd, RTS shorted to CTS).
I uploaded a test program to the arduino so it would turn on a light when it receives something over the serial port, as well as echo any chars it receives.
I unplugged the arduino from the computer, then plugged in a DC power jack to turn on the arduino and the bluetooth module.
I connected to the bluesmirf with Bluesolliel,
Using putty, I connected to COM6 at 115200 baud.
I entered the command sequence “$$$” and get back the characters “CMD”
I entered ‘—’ and hit return to exit command mode.
I press a bunch of keys. Nothing happens: no light turns on and no characters are echoed back.
I tried doing the ‘hardware echo’ method of plugging the smirf’s TX pin into its RX pin, and I still get no echo when connected with putty.
I tried programming the arduino to constantly send ‘a’ and I when I connect via putty I get a stream of 'a’s.
This is the code I’ve been using:
char val; // variable to receive data from the serial port
int ledpin = 9; // LED connected to pin 48 (on-board LED)
void setup() {
pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(115200); // start serial communication
digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW); // start OFF
void loop() {
//Serial.write('a'); //I used this to test whether I could transmit any characters back: it worked fine.
if( Serial.available() ) // if data is available to read
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH); // turn ON the LED
val = Serial.read(); // read it and store it in 'val'
delay(100); // wait 100ms for next reading
Am I missing something in my setup? I’m not really sure how to proceed debugging from here. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem and solved it? I’m happy to provide additional information if it would help.](Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF Silver - WRL-10269 - SparkFun Electronics)