BlueSmirf not transmitting correctly

I’m brand new to this stuff so bear with me.

Right now I have a robot with an OOPic that I am communicating with from a PC through a serial cable. The robot works at 9600, 8, N, 1 with no flow control. With a serial cable all my messages get through to the robot and it reactes correctly.

Now, I’m trying to replace the serial cable with a BlueTooth USB v1.2 Module (USB dongle) on the PC side and a BlueSmirf Extended on the robot side. I believe I have it powered correctly and the computer side seems to be ok. If I jump Tx to Rx on the BlueSmirf I am able to talk to the BlueSmirf and give AT commands no problem. However, when I hook it up to the robot it does some funky stuff. All i’m sending the robot is speeds for the wheels. So when I send stuff through hyperTerminal with the BlueSmirf connected, the speeds change, however not anything like they are suppose to. So I know there are signals getting to the robot but they are not correct.

I tried soldering J1 but that had no effect. Is it a setting in the BlueSmirf that I need to change? It defaults to 9600, 8, N, 1 doesn’t it.

Any help would be great.


Just bypassed my serial interface (DS232) and connected directly to the Tx and Rx on the OOPic and it works great!



BlueSMiRF talks TTL serial, not RS232. Sounds like you got it figured out.



My name is addy and I just joined this group. I am currently doing a

senior design project. In our project, we are going to be using the BoeBot to simulate a campus transit system (kind of like a bus or train).

Also, we are using a bluetooth application(BRSC11A … cts_id=148) to

communicate with the robot when we want to bring it back to the central

hub. But I’m not sure how to get started with it and what I will have

to tie to what on the boe bot.

I wanted to ask for suggestions before I get started trying to avoid

blowing up the dip module because they are not cheap lol. Hopefully,

someone can help me out there. Thank you for your time in advance.