I was hoping someone who has seen this before or the SparkFun guys can help me with this. Sorry about the long post but I’d rather provide all the details up front.
I have an issue with the BlueSmirf where if connecting to it then disconnecting almost immediately afterwards puts the Smirf in “limbo” state where it no longer provides the COM0 service.
When in this state, the Smirf has no services to list and you must either issue an ATURST command from the UART side or power off/on to reset out of this state. If you set it to allow multiple connections (let’s say 3), the first time you perform this connect/disconnect motion, the COM0 service will disappear the next time you attempt to connect. The time after that, COM1 disappears and you are left with COM2.
It’s like the connections are not being released because you disconnected too quickly but yet the ATSI,3 returns 0,0 which is slave, disconnected status. I was expecting it to be in Idle since it no longer lists a service to use when attempting to connect that second time.
I have tried different configuration of ATSW24,2,0,0,0 and ATSW25,0,1,1,0 which ignores incoming UART data until the unit is connected and data mode. Even issued the temporary fast mode command through ATMF but hesitant to set it permanently with ATSW25,0,0,0,0 since it cannot recover due to PIO4 being tied to GND on the carrier board (I read that setting PIO4 high for 2 seconds upon power up is required to reset to factory defaults).
Anyway, the firmware is Ver and I have tried 3 other Smirfs I have here with the same repeatable results.
Do I need to perhaps modify the Slave scan intervals and window settings through ATSW21 to resolve this problem?
I have 12 more units coming in from SparkFun. They are useless to me if this issue cannot be addressed. Help!!!