Hello, I am having a couple of questions for my BlueSmirf. First, I have come across a few devices that use DTR, DCE, and RLSD. Am I correct to say that the BlueSmirf is incompatible with these devices? Second, I am now trying to interface with rs-232 levels with a max3232. Will I need an inverter like a 74hc04 to invert the signals before it goes into the max3232 or is it good to go? Third, my blue smirf seems to be stuck in data mode, and it will no longer interface with hyperterminal. I am not sure why it’s stuck there. The only thing I changed was the baud rate to 57600, but I connected to it several times since I changed it. Then nothing. Is there a factory reset for this thing? The blue radios pdf said I could bring PIO4 high for 1 sec to reset to factory, but it also said not to bring any PIO high once it is an output. Since I don’t know how the module’s PIO4 is configured, I thought I’d better ask first.
Is there anyone from Sparkfun that can answer this?
Is there anyone from Sparkfun that actually reads these forums?
what did you do to reset the bluesmirf?
I have one bluesmirf that its in automaster mode and if there is not slave present, always it replies "NO ANSWER" every 40 seconds, and there it
s not way to put this bluesmirf in command mode sending the +++ command by serial hyperteminal COM1, I need to reconfigure this Bluesmirf and make a ATFRST to let it with factory settings.
The inicial configuration for automaster was:
I have a second Bluesmirf that its worst and right now it
s completly unuseful, I made this configuration:
ATSW21,2560,11,2560,11 //Change scan intervals thus decreasing the
power consumption from 48mA to 2mA before the module is connected
ATSW25,0,1,1,0 //Prevent communication before connected
i.e. after this command, you can reconfigure BlueSmiRF only when it
Is connected, and you get out of the data mode using the escape sequence. This is important, because the randomly
received and translated IR bytes will be ignored, and will not
accidentally reconfigure the module.
ATSW24,2,1,0,0 //Turn off verbal responses. This is
important, because otherwise the BlueSmiRF will be talking to the RCX
each time you open or
close the port (CONNECT, NO CARRIER strings). After this command, the
BlueSmiRF will output only
I had posted the message of topic <Bluesmirf, Auto-Master problem with BlueRadio>
diego gonzalez wrote:
Hi Level1,
The Bluesmirf that connected doesn`t show any lights, I used the
following comands to change the configuration, I don´t remember the
order of those commands:
To the Bluesmirf configured as Master I used the following comands in
//00A09611FBBC is the Slave direction.
Thank you for your help.
Diego Gonzalez
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 13:34:25 -0600
From: level1@sparkfun.com
Hi Diego,
Could you send me the exact set of commands you sent to the bluesmirf?
diego gonzalez wrote:
Hi Level1 of Sparkfun, I followed your instructions about the
Bluesmirf configured as Master: "first just power up the module with
no shorts in it, then open up hyperterminal at the 9600 baud rate
no flow control. Then type +++ and 1 “enter” character and let me
what happens."
I did the test sending the commands from PC-COM1 ↔ MAX232 ↔ RX
and TX BluesmiRF Master. there is no answer and if I send other
command like AT, there is not answer too.
When I did the test sending the commands from PC-COM1 ↔ MAX232
RX and TX BluesmiRF Slave. there is no answer and if I send other
command like AT or ATSI,2 , I get answers like OK or the name of my
There is another thing that I didn`t mencion before, Using My
Bluedongle and Bluesoleil , when I search for the Bluesmirf
configured as Master this is detected for one second when I turn
it on
but when I try get service I get the answer "SERVICE DISCOVERY
FAILED" so I refresh the searching and the Blusmirf is not detected
again, It´s only detected when It´s turned on while the Bluesoleil
program is searching for devices.
About the other issue, the Bluesmirf that connected doesn`t show any
lights, I used comands to change the configuration before to get that
state, the command were:
ATSW21,2560,11,2560,11 //Change scan intervals thus decreasing the
power consumption from 48mA to 2mA before the module is connected
ATSSN,UsarioSerial //Change service name (virtual serial
port service)
ATSW25,0,1,1,0 //Prevent communication before connected
- i.e. after this command, you can reconfigure BlueSmiRF only when it
is connected, and you
get out of the data mode using the escape sequence. This is
because the randomly
received and translated IR bytes will be ignored, and will not
accidentally reconfigure the module.
ATSW24,2,1,0,0 //Turn off verbal responses. This is
important, because otherwise the BlueSmiRF will be talking to the RCX
each time you open or
close the port (CONNECT, NO CARRIER strings). After this command, the
BlueSmiRF will output only
ATSW20,10,1,0,1 //Change communication parameters to RCX
default: 2400-odd-1 and store them to flash.
after I made this configuration I lost contact with the Bluesmirf.
I hope this information give you the tools for get me a help with my
problems, If there is not solution I will send you back the
with problems using the returns policy exposed in
I apreciate your help.
Diego Gonzalez.
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 12:52:53 -0600
From: level1@sparkfun.com
Hi Diego,
For your first problem can you just confirm something for me,
first just power up the module with no shorts in it, then open up
hyperterminal at the 9600 baud rate with no flow control. Then
type +++
and 1 “enter” character and let me know what happens.
for your second problem it seems that you have probably killed the
dongle. We can have a look at it but it is probably dead and you
need to get a new one. If you would like to return it, please
returns policy here :
Please note, depending on whether the device was altered or if
it was a
manufacturing defect will determine if we can service your
return. If
your order meets these requirements, please return the item to:
Spark Fun Electronics
Atn: Returns
2500 Central Ave.
Suite Q
Boulder, CO 80301
Please include the original order # and a note about what the
problem was.
diego gonzalez wrote:
Hi, I wrote you before ( 15 days a go) but I didn`t get any answer
from you.
I had posted two messages in your forum without an answer with the
author “diegoagonzalez”. This are the messages:
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:48 pm Post subject: Bluesmirf
imposible to configure
The situation:
I have 3 Bluesmirf and learning how to use the master and slave
configuration I get to made autoconnection configuring using my
BlueDongle and the BLuesoleil software:
on my master, 00A09611FBBC is the Slave direction.
Both, Master and Slave are working with the factory default baud
They autoconnect and the red led turn on in both and the slave can
transmit data to the master, and if I use +++ I can to configure
the slave settings.
The Hardware configuration is:
PC-COM1 ↔ MAX232 ↔ RX and TX BluesmiRF Master
PC-COM2 ↔ MAX232 ↔ RX and TX BluesmiRF Slave
The BIG PROBLEM (Number one) is that I want to get back My Master
to Factory default settings but I can not access to it and make
the ATFRST command, there is no response to any command (+++;
ATUCL), The only thing I get is by my Hyperterminal COM1 is "NO
ANSWER" every 40 seconds and my Blue Dongle dont detect the Master
I have try to get access to master connecting RX with TX, and
connecting RTS with CTS of the Bluesmirf, also try to reset
manually by putting a 5v voltage on PIO 4, but nothing change. The
normal state of the master if there is not a slave is flashing the
green light and leaving the message “NO ANSWER” every 40 seconds
on my COM1.
Configuring one Bluesmirf I made some changes that I can not
remember now, the thing is that when I turn it on non of leds
(green or red) flash, The current goes down to 10 mA aproximatly.
Nor using my bluedongle neighter using the RX and TX of the
Bluesmirf to configure get to works, there is not answer to +++
command by any way.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:12 pm Post subject: Bluesmirf,
Auto-Master problem with BlueRadio
My name is Diego and I 'm from Cali, Colombia. I bought several
Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF from Spark Fun Electronics and I’m
configuring the Bluetooth Modems using ATMP COMMANDS.
The problem is that I configured a Bluetooth Modem to be as
Auto-Master (ATSW25,1,1,0,0) but I forgot to put the ATSMA command
with the Slave Address and the UUID, when I try to access the
Bluetooth Modem using the serial RX and TX I 'm not getting any
answer, I try also to using the +++ command from the Blue Dongle.
Talking about power compsution when I turn on the Blueradio the
Current is close to 40mA and after a few seconds (1 or 2) goes to
almost 1mA or nothing.
the version is I tried putting 3.3V on PIO4 on the
start up of the Blueradio, but everything continues like it was.
I made the operation with other Bluetooth Modem as Master and I
can get to comunicate to it using the serial RX and TX.
What do I need to do?.. Anyone with the Same Problem?..
Thank for your help, I will apreciate your answer
Finally I measure the average current of my 3 Bluesmirfs:
Master Bluesmirf not connected (green light): 50mA
Slave Bluesmirf not connected (green light): 50mA
The Other Bluesmirf (no light): 10.34mA
Master Bluesmirf connected to Slave(red light): 30mA
Slave Bluesmirf connected to Master(red light): 18mA
Master Bluesmirf not connected (green light): 70mA
Slave Bluesmirf not connected (green light): 58mA
The Other Bluesmirf (no light): 14.4mA
Master Bluesmirf connected to Slave(red light): 35mA
Slave Bluesmirf connected to Master(red light): 21mA
I’ll apreciate a fast answer, thanks for your attention.
Diego Alejandro Gonzalez
University Javeriana