Bluesmirf Silver Problem

So I have been using this :

great little radio to communicate with this small tank I built using an an arduino nano from gravitch to control it via bluetooth. This morning however, I was wiring it up in a new configuration and it stopped working. I immeditly unplugged it from the breadbord and saw that I had accidentally placed it so that the TX and RX leads were touching my 3.3 v and ground respectively.

Assuming I had fried it, I fixed the wiring issue and placed it back in the breadboard to see if it would work, and magically it did, the stat led blinked 4 times rapidly, shut off and then blinked as if it was searching for a signal like it would always do. Out of curiosity, I tried connecting to the radio with bluesoleil like I would normally would, and it worked! the connect light turned green. But then when I fired up an application of my own making to send commands to it, no luck.

The radio still does that weird blinking pattern (4 rapid, nothing for about a second and then regular DC’d blinking)

I was wonding if anyone knew like a factory reset for the radio.

Thanks very much!

GPIO-4 is used by the system to reset stored parameters to factory defaults. If GPIO4 is pulled high on

power-up, and then toggled 3 times, all user settings will return to default values. Therefore this pin should not be used

as an output, and should not be driven high at power-up time (first 1 second of operation).

thats from the data sheet. So I had a question. I started using the bluesmirf silver also but I am confused about the commands.

I am starting a project using the Bluesmirf but the silver version, the Rn-42. So I ran into trouble and I feel you could help me because you were able to send data. I’ll explain my project a little. I am using a ATMEGA1284P MCU, Transcend SD card, 2 analog switches, and honeywell FSS-SMT force sensor. This force sensor data is what I want to send to my computer using the bluesmirf silver.

What I can do so far is to be connected, change the name of my BT and baudrate, you know the simple commands. But when I try to send a command like “AT+BTSRV=1” on the terminal it gives me a questions mark. So my assumption was that my version doesnt use those commands or am I wrong? I am assuming I have to mess with the GPIOs? but I am having some trouble understanding those.

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction to setting up my BT to be able to send data to my computer.

thank you in advance.