Haunted Bluesmirf returns...

I own a Bluesmirf Silver as can be followed by my last post - Haunted Bluesmirf…

This thing is REALLY HAUNTED!!! I just discovered my last attempt to factory reset the Bluesmirf was mere serendipity. Now, in the joy of seeing it work, I forgot which pin i held high and what not…

Here’s what happened… When it was working fine, I connected the Tx to the Rx of my PIC and powered up the PIC and the bluesmirf. suddenly a flash of data entered the PIC ( i know this because i’ve connected LEDs to PORTB and written a code to output the serial data through PORTB ) and that’s it.

Dr. Jekyll suddenly turns to Mr. Hyde and all hell breaks loose!!!

Somebody pls tell me how to reset this thing. Which pin on the BGB203 is PIO4? pls tell me which pin on which side of the ceramic antenna…

And all i need to do is hold it HIGH for more than a second during powerup?? or something more…

Pls… help!!! Sad