Bluetooth Mate RN-42 w/ Pro Mini 5v & Uno

I’m currently working with the RN-42 bluetooth mate silver, and I’m attempting to use the software serial library to transmit data to a smartphone. I have my sketch working just fine with an Arduino Uno Rev 3.0, but when I switch the sketch over to a Pro Mini 328 5v, the bluetooth module will not connect to the smartphone. Any idea why this is? Am I missing some kind of basic hardware/voltage difference between the uno and the pro mini?

If you are using the SoftwareSerial library on the Uno, and then plugging in the Bluetooth Mate to the FTDI header on the Pro Mini, your code will not work. You will need to change the code to simply use serial. Or, alternatively, wire up the TX/RX lines of the Mate to the same pins as you use on your Uno and are defined in the code as your SoftwareSerial port.