BMP388 Quiic with Feather M0 and Feather Quiic shield not working at all?

Hi all,

So I prototyped a non-quiic Feather and BMP388 setup using parts from adafruit, and it worked great. So I bought 4 feather M0s, 4 Quicc BMP388 and 4 Quicc shields

Using the provided example code from the product page I get no I2C communication. I tried the 0x77 address. I tried 0x76 (the only other address for the BMP388). I tried the other examples and different quiic ports…nothing.

What am I missing? Again, this is unaltered example code and this setup works perfectly on my non-quiic prototype.

gosh darnit.

You know how the quicc connectors are “idiot-proof” and can only go in one way? Well I’m the better idiot. At some point I bent a pin and they were touching.

leaving this up as a warning to others.