Now tested also with standard Arduino MICRO board:
Sparkfun GPIO board is OK
Sparkfun KIT-16833 Quad Solid state relay, NO reply (but LED comes on)
Have also tried to test through “click board” I2C isolator board. If runned from Arduino MICRO all OK, if instead running through Nano33BLE, no good.
ALL other devices I have tested so far works fine, Adafruit PWM board, Sparkfun MUX board, Sparkfun OLED display, Sparkfun RTC clock… also works fine when runned through isolator.
This is a complete mystery… guess I need a oscilloscope to figure out what exactly is wrong here…
The Nano 33 BLE runs at 3.3v, while the old nano runs at 5v - I bet something related to that might be the issue?
Some of the Quad relay kits have been giving folks intermittent issues; if you made the purchase from SparkFun head to Return Policy - SparkFun Electronics and fill out the form and we’ll get a replacement sent out; if purchased from a vendor, simply contact them for its replacement.
Hello, I just got a replacement QUAD RELAY kit from ELFA, but same problem here, nothing shows up on I2C scanner. Tested with a standard old Arduino Nano using a QWIIC cable, and have confirmed other devices pops up just fine using same cable. Got comms with e.g. RTC and GPIO cards, but nothing for Quad relay card.
Measured 3.3V on the PCB solder-points where non-QWIIC wiring can be connected.
Both kits seems to come from same batch - is it maybe a “global” firmware problem on the whole batch?
Sidenote: As for the other problem with GPIO card not showing up on N33BLE, I have not managed to diagnose more, but have now got a scope, just need time…