Qwiic LED Stick SPX-14783 not working

I have two of these boards and one works fine, I started using the other one for a different project and it was working for awhile but now it stopped, none of the LED’s light up. If I swap the LED stick boards back and forth the bad one does not work and the other one does, so the code seems fine. Is it possible something got corrupted on the board? Is there a reset process ?



I don’t see a way to reset these, but I’m wondering if you might possibly have changed the I2C address by mistake and now the strip isn’t listening to requests? Have you tried running a [I2C scanner sketch to see what address the strip is on? If it’s changed, example 10 could be modified to bring it back to the default value of 0x23.](Arduino Playground - I2cScanner)

Hi Chris

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this topic. If I use an I2C scanner program it does see the device and I also tried changing the address see if that would make a difference but it does not so maybe it just died? I do not think SparkFun is making these at the moment, thanks

Unfortunately it sounds like it might be dead. :frowning:

You’re correct, SparkX is not currently making this board at this time. Sadly I don’t know if they will continue making them or not.