Qwiic LED Stick Not Resetting

When I run the Example09_ChangeLength sketch, the LED stick doesn’t pick up changes I make to the LED length value unless I unplug the LED Stick Qwiic connector and plug it back in. Resetting the Redboard does not cause the LED Stick to display the proper length, it just displays the previous setting.

Config: Redboard, LEDStick (SPX-14783)

No sketch changes except for the length value. Is there some sort of reset that needs to be sent in the sketch every time a change is made to the LED Stick parameters?

Hello nanderson,

In the header of the example code: " Length will not reset on restart, change back to 10 if necessary with LEDStick.changeLength(10);". So what you’re seeing is correct.

The reset on the RedBoard resets the IC but not the power lines. So you’re just toggling the main IC without affecting the LED Stick. So you’re also correct in seeing that behavior.

The reset is active low. So to observe a reset on the LED Stick you’d have to connect the RESET pin to ground with a resistor (or switch). There isn’t a software solution for this problem currently.

Just so you’re aware, there is limited support for SparkX products. They are designing at a rapid pace to prototype new technologies. Certain features are expected to not be present in all SparkX products.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Brandon, that does help. I’ll sort out the workaround now that I better understand the behavior. Wasn’t exactly sure what that note in the header meant.