SparkFun Thing Plus - Unable to use Qwiic

I have a SparkFun Air Velocity Sensor Breakout - FS3000-1015 connected via Qwiic to a SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C).

Using the default example sketch, I’m unable to get a reading.

I’ve used the i2c_scanner sketch and I’m not getting any devices found on Wire or Wire1.

The FS3000 LED light is on so I know at least the power side of the Qwiic is working.

So I’m assuming there is a misconfiguration with I2C somewhere on the Thing Plus. I also tried to connect a SparkFun Qwiic OLED Display and still did not get anything on the I2C scan to show up on Wire or Wire1.

Looking for ideas on how I can test the I2C connection on Thing board to try and sort out where the problem is coming from? Unfortunately I don’t have any other Qwiic ESP32 devices to test with.

Do you happen to have wire? You can test to see if it is a dead qwiic port by using the SDA, SCL, 3v3 & GND pins to wire it up

I just soldered on some pins to the FS3000 breakout and wired it up (SDA->GPIO21, SLC->GPIO22) and it works.

I think what I’ll do next is take a qwiic cable, cut off the qwiic connectors, and throw some dupont connectors on there and then wire it up to see if my cables or connectors are bad since I have a massive bag full of these. That should tell me if it’s my qwiic cable or the Thing.

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