ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) fails I2C unit test

When I run the I2C_Scanner_Power_Control.ino test sketch downloaded from … 20Sketches

it fails to find the Fuel Gauge ADC, and it also fails to find any other I2C peripheral that I connect to the Qwiic connector.

When I slightly modified to sketch to print out the value returned by Wire.endTransmission(), it returns the value 2 for all

7 bit addresses, indicating a timeout.

It is disturbing that it cannot even detect a peripheral that is located right on the same board, let alone connect other


Has anybody else encountered this, or is it possible that the Thing+ is defective?


The ‘test sketches’ are not fully implemented; those sketches are ‘works-in-progress’

Is the qwiic bus turned on? Can you measure 3.3 volts across Vcc and Gnd on one or more of your attached qwiic device boards?

Yes, the peripherals are powered.

The fact that these sketches are still in development is irrelevant to the fact that the board is timing out. Can you offer any other explanation for the timeout error?

We’re sending out a replacement - you should get an email in a few days when it leaves

Have a great day!

Great news! Thank you for your help with this.

Hello, I also have a Thing Plus C which also will not detect anything on i2c using the – did the replacement work?

Trying to talk to a GPS-RTK-SMA board with no luck.



Ping… I’m hitting the same issue. Thanks.

I figured it out! Small clues, here and there. IMHO, the ESP32 Things Plus C documentation should be updated. In any case, when it comes to adding boards to Arduino in Board Manager, install “esp32 by Espressif Systems”. Then when selecting a board, look under “esp32” - there it is!! And run your I2C program and it works!!!

Given that there’s Sparkfun ESP32 boards, why would we look elsewhere. Or even Arduino ESP32 boards? Yes, Espressif is the OEM (I assume), but do they support all their vendors? It seemed unlikely, but in this case they definitely do.