I have been using this board using a Qwiic cable to connect to a Sparkfun ESP32 WROOM Thing Plus. It works well in general. However, on a few occasions, a BNO080 board stopped being recognized (ie. in the Arduino library BNO080 the imu.begin() call returns false).
For example if I upload the [following code to my ESP32 on line 46 the myIMU.begin() call returns false.
Like I said, it happened to me twice and once to one of my collaborators. I am merely using the ESP32 connected to the IMU board with a Qwiic cable. There is a LiPo battery connected to the ESP32. The IMU indicator power LED is on but I am unable to connect using i2c anymore. What could cause this and how can I fix it?
Some hypothesis:
When the battery gets low the current starts fluctuating and the ESP32 and/or the IMU reset, which for some reason breaks the IMU.
It is an [issue related to the ESP-family boards interfacing with the BNO080.](Issue connecting ESP8266 Thing to BNO080 · Issue #16 · sparkfun/SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library · GitHub)](SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library/examples/Example1-RotationVector/Example1-RotationVector.ino at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library · GitHub)