BNO086 does not work with only I2C/qwiic lines connected

Been testing this sensor on several processors

Teensy Micromod

ESP32 Micromod

Arduino Giga

Arduino R4 WiFi

ESP32-S2 Development Board.

The library does not seem to support just having I2C lines attached. Only seems to work with INT and RST attached as well.


Is this normal and if so why?

There’s a note in the hookup guide about this.

As of v1.0.3, you will need to wire up the reset and interrupt pins. Using only the I2C port was not sufficient enough to get the BNO086 to work reliably with a microcontroller.

So I think this would be considered normal.

Thanks I totally missed when I scanned through it. Probably should have put that up front on the product page or in the examples. Right now the examples just say not recommended and still give you the option.

you got it to work with the Ardunio Uno Wifi? i have my RST and INT pins in, and the I2C is still not connecting

I would first check your wiring to make sure you have sda and scl connected correctly. Also not really should show more info - what pins are connected to what pins on the wifi board. Also would suggest trying to set the clock to 100khz first. also what sketch are you using.

I am using a QWIIC connection so, SDA and SCL are accounted for that, so my hardware config is just QWIC and the RST and INT pins to A5 and A4

@VanDoan As I mentioned in your cross post, it is an extremely bad idea to connect 5V processor I/O pins (as on the Uno R4 WiFi) to I/O pins on a 3.3V sensor, without using logic level shifters. If you have done so, you may already have damaged one or both boards.