/boards_sfe/ is empty


The folder /boards_sfe/ is empty in the Ambiq Apollo3 SDK

But the tutorial mention that is not empty, in fact there should be examples to walk around

Thanks a lot

Hello, It looks like /boards_sfe/ is a git submodule in the directory.

If you downloaded your ambiq suite using git, you can grab the submodule with the command ```
git submodule update --init --recursive

If you downloaded the ambiq suite as a .zip you can download the boards_sfe from this page [https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Ap ... ree/master](https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Apollo3_AmbiqSuite_BSPs/tree/master) and place it in the boards_sfe directory.

I'll look into updating the guide you are using to eliminate this confusion.