BOB-10160 RTC interrupt line stuck at zero after reboot

I purchased RTC module BOB-10160 (using DS3234 RTC chip) through and attached it to an Arduino Nano Every.

It is running OK using the Sparkfun provided library, SparkFunDS3234RTC, but I have a problem with the interrupt line:
On reboot or everytime I a load a program, the INT/SQW line goes to zero and doesn’t return to high state, even though the board has a 10k pull-up resistor and capacitor to ground, and I defined the Arduino input pin as INPUT_PULLUP.

I get to operate correctly by detaching the connection between the BOB-10160 and the Arduino, when the INT line rises to VCC, and I can observe the pulse in an oscilloscope and being caught by an ISR in the Arduino.

The DS3234 chip’s RESET pin is unavailable externally and it appears to be an open line. Anyway, I think that a RESET would deprogram the date, so it wouldn’t be a solution.

I will appreciate commemnts if this has happened to somebody else.