BOB-12009 with onewire DS18B20 parasite power mode

Can a BOB-12009 provide enough pullup to supply power to 10 DS18B20 sensors in parasite power mode? I’d like to use a 3.3V ESP32 to read several DS18B20 sensors in parasite power mode (unfortunately beyond my control) but I’ve found the sensors work most reliable when they operate at 5V. So I’d like to use a level shifter but it needs to pullup enough for parasite power mode. Each sensor can use up to 1.5mA during the temperature conversion stage.

Not sure, you’d need to try it and see. I’d suggest starting with a single sensor and if that works add sensors one by one checking after each one to see how many work.

The DS18B20 will work with a voltage as low as 3 volts and as high as 5.5 so you may not even need a logic level converter.

We’ll see if I get to that project. In my application there’s a lot of external interference from the phase AC inverters & fans.