I downloaded the hardware description from www.olimex.com/dev/pdf/LPC_E2294mht but I’m a bit confused about the description of the Jumper 11 & 13 (BOOT1 & BOOT0). According to the olimex manual you can enable 8/16/32 bits memory width by putting the jumpers in different positions:
0:0 = 8 bits
0:1 = 16 bits
1:1 = 32 bits
But in the LPC2294 usermanual p.122:
0:0 = 8 bits on CS0
0:1 = 16 bits on CS0
1:0 = 32 bits on CS0
1:1 = Internal flash memory
So my guess is that the third option according to the Olimex manual is wrong and instead of enabeling 32 bits width you boot from internal flash. Is that right?
Even so, no mather how I put the jumpers the testprogram always runs. Can someone explain this for me?