Bosch BME688 Dev Board Setup

I bought the Bosch BME688 Development Kit (Bosch BME688 Development Kit - DEV-19630 - SparkFun Electronics) with the Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM (SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C) - WRL-20168 - SparkFun Electronics). I’m trying to setup the board to follow along with Bosch’s tutorial video, but they don’t say anything about which Arduino sketch needs to be uploaded to the Thing Plus.

I’ve got the BSEC2 library installed and I’ve compiled a couple of sample programs for the Thing Plus, so my Arduino IDE is ready to go, I just need to know what to use.

Has anyone got this working? If so, which sketch did you use?

I think you’re after this one (or the main branch of it)

The other stuff uses their software (BME ai Studio) mentioned throughout their guide