Bottom copper and silkscreen layer question

Hi all!

I am relatively new to PCB drawing and fabricating stuff, so I need to absolutely sure to know my gerbers are correct before ordering a board.

While my board passes the DRC bot; I am not sure about my PCB’s bottom layers are correct. The bottom layers’ silkscreen text looks seems mirrored. Actually it seems reasonable, but still want to ask. Is this correct?

My mother tongue is not English so please excuse my bad writing skills.


Can you have silkscreen on the bottom of the board? Most low-cost suppliers like Batch PCB don’t offer it.

Usually, it doesn’t matter if you send mirrored layers or not, as long as you specify how it is. But, normally the fab encourage or forces you to place text on every layer to make sure no mirroring will occur. This is a very good practice whether it is required or not.

I always send the files as they are viewed in my cad-app. Top-layers normal and bottom layers mirrored. Makes it very easy to import straight into a gerber-viewer and place all layers on top of each other. And I also include text on every layer (outside actual pcb-area). I have never had a fab screw it up.

Text needs to be mirrored on the board’s bottom side, in your CAD program. If you didn’t, tell the board house- but they need to know which way to flip it.

*** From the BatchPCB FAQ "We only offer one service at this time: PCBs with soldermask both sides and silkscreen both sides. "

*** From the BatchPCB FAQ "We only offer one service at this time: PCBs with soldermask both sides and silkscreen both sides. "

Yes, this explains why I worried about bottom silkscreen :slight_smile:

Actually I ordered my design from BatchPCB last night. It seems right according to this replies. I am now waiting for the result.

Thank you everyone.

While my board passes the DRC bot; I am not sure about my PCB’s bottom layers are correct. The bottom layers’ silkscreen text looks seems mirrored. Actually it seems reasonable, but still want to ask. Is this correct?

By convention all the layers are designed and viewed from the top, therefore text on the bottom layer should appear mirrored from this view. It's only when it comes to etching that the gerber file will need to be mirrored, but you can let the board house worry about that.