Break Away Headers - Straight

Break Away Headers - Straight

In stock PRT-00116 ROHS

Do you have any products that are similar to the length of this product but its equal length on both sides. So 11.5 on both sides of the black connector.



Adafruit has these: … gIhRvD_BwE

Pololu has these but they’re a bit shorter:

I don’t know what you mean by 11.5 on both sides - I’ve never seen headers with pins that long, but that’s just me

In many cases the black insulators will slide. So, you can adjust how much of the conductor sticks out on both sides.

I have not seen male header pins with a length of 11.5mm on both sides of the black, plastic housing. The closest that is in the SparkFun catalog is the long, centered headers => . However, the exposed pin lengths are about 7.73mm. Otherwise, you’ll need to grab the long breakaway headers and manually center it to fit your setup. as stated by Valen and millercommamatt.