Bricked two Pro Micro boards, why?

Hi. I had two pro micro boards, and I was using them to test the Hall effect sensors of my motor in following setup as on this picture:

UPDATE: RAW is almost 5V, comes from USB port, probably after a LED that shows that the board is powered on. Boards were 5V/16MHz.

Motor has 8 outputs: 3 for power, they were not connected, and 5 for Hall effect sensors: ground, +5 volt, and 3 for sensors output.

My code was extremely simple:

#include "Arduino.h"
void setup()
  // initialize serial comms
void loop()
  // read A0
  int val0 = analogRead(0);
  // read A1
  int val1 = analogRead(1);
  // read A1
  int val2 = analogRead(2);
  // print to serial
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" ");
  // wait 

On the computer I was reading the serial port and plotting the results.

Both boards worked for some time, and then stopped. Now they are not recognized by my computer at all, by this I mean: I use linux, and there’s nothing in dmesg when I connect the boards.

I wonder what happened. Did I do something wrong? I ordered 5 new boards, and I wouldn’t like to brick them all too…

And what is “RAW”?

What was the raw voltage ? Were the MCUs 5V/16MHz or 3.3V/8MHz ? What part was the Hall sensor ? There’s nothing absolutely wrong that I see in the above, though if the Hall outputs are open collectors and the raw voltage is 12V …

“RAW” is almost +5V, see … -pro-micro

my board is blue, but seems to be identical to the one in the link otherwise.

If I understand right, “RAW” gets 5V from USB after a LED that indicates that the board is on.

These were 5V/16MHz boards. I don’t know what model the sensors are. They are black with three long legs :slight_smile:

I don’t know what model the sensors are. They are black with three long legs :slight_smile:

While I'm curious as to the thought process that made you connect the Hall sensors as you did, I don't see any way you could have damaged any thing given the above.

Was this some BLDC motor which you spun by hand to see the Hall outputs ? Is there anyway the motor drive wires could have come into contact with the Hall wires ? Is the power LED on ? What do the Tx and Rx LEDs do immediately after power-up and then after some seconds ?

I tried to imitate the scheme in motor’s controller - this is why I connected Hall sensors the way I did.

Yes, this was BLDC motor, spun by hand. I am going to check if there could have been a contact between motor drive wire and Hall wires. It should not have happened, unless there is damage in motor’s cable…

Currently the power LED goes on when I plug usb, but RX and TX never blink.

…unless the feedback from the hall effect sensors was pushed straight into the pins of the promicro and fried them…

Currently the power LED goes on when I plug usb, but RX and TX never blink.

Hmmmm, that sounds pretty bricked, or at least boot-coder boffed. I don't have any good suggestions, nor really any good ideas as to what happened.


I found the the motor’s cable was damaged, and one hall sensor wire may have come into contact with motor wires… Where might have been 36V at the moment.

Is there a way to check, what exactly was burned on my boards?