Just a quick question to make sure I’ve got this figured out correctly:
I’ve got two of the older Mitsumi-based bluetooth modules (WML-C40AH using the BlueRadios serial module ATMP firmware). I need to enable fast data mode between a PIC18 and the BT module, so the PIC sends the following data on its serial port:
atucl (place the local BT module in idle mode)
(100ms pause)
atdm,####<BT.ID>####,1101 (master connect to remote <BT.ID> as SPP)
(100ms pause)
atmf (enable fast data mode on remote BT module)
I get that atmf causes the BT firmware to stop parsing the data stream for any AT commands, which allows for much faster throughput. But the documentation says that it will only work when already connected. Now, in my above sequence, after I connect, I am then sending AT commands to the remote device (slave), so I guess I’m telling the slave to enter fast data mode. The master is already connected, so it is by default in fast data mode because you have to enter “+++” to drop into command mode. Is this the correct interpretation? Can someone confirm, or set me straight?