I’m trying to get into remote (i.e. over BT) command mode on a RN41 bluetooth module, but cannot get in.
The module is integrated on a PCB, where the baud pin is high (force 9600 baud) and CTS and RTS pins are bridged.
After pairing i can connect to the RN41 using PuTTY on my PC, and the BT status window says “3 bytes sent” after typing ‘$$$’ (within 60 seconds). I expect a ‘CMD’ response now, but nothing happens…
PuTTY settings are 9600, 8, 1, no parity.
I’ve also tried the default 115k2, which doesn’t work either.
Pulled the bitrate to 9600 electronically and shorted CTS/RTS. This brings me what I needed so I get the data connection up, which is nice. However still no command mode. Did not try it from the wired side though…
I have had some grief with these modules also. If you put them in master mode, they essentially “brick up”
I broke through this and reset it to factory using an arduino script and having it attached to the tx/rx on the arduino. I did something like this: (and it worked)