I’m having some troubles getting into CMD mode when connecting my RN-41 bluetooth module to my PC via a Cyber-Blue USB dongle. The software for the dongle is the BlueSoleil. The RN-41 is currently connected at pin 11(VDD) and 12(GND). I’m using Windows XP’s hypertreminal with the following specs:
-Bits per second: 115k
-Data bits: 8
-Parity: None
-Stop bits: 1
-Flow Control: None
I’ve also enabled “Echo typed characters locally” and “Append line feeds to incoming line ends” in ASCII Setup.
Everything works fine and it’ll connect via bluetooth and the COM port can be established, but when I type “$$$” nothing returns. I checked the status, and some data are being sent and recieved, but its just not going into command mode. I’m thinking it may be because I don’t have enough pins connected on the RN-41 itself. Somone please verify. Aside from that, I don’t really know what else is wrong since I tried to follow from all the other posts about this problem. Thank you.