I’ve built the kit, downloaded python, can’t find the RVR sphero sdk download, I am new to all of this. So any help would be appreciated. I assume I need the sdk for the pi but the links show coming soon. Anyone have a link for the sdk? Thanks.
When I turn on my RVR everything lights on (kit parts) just need to connect to it.
Hello The New Guy,
On the webpage, it appears that the option to install via pip is coming soon. You should be able to download the files from [GitHub.
If you need a reference to getting started please go [Here
Additional notes about the Raspberry Pi Python SDK can be found [Here
I hope this helps point you in the right direction.](GitHub - sphero-inc/sphero-sdk-raspberrypi-python: Sphero RVR SDK to run on Raspberry Pi using Python)](https://sdk.sphero.com/docs/getting_started/raspberry_pi/raspberry_pi_setup/)](GitHub - sphero-inc/sphero-sdk-raspberrypi-python: Sphero RVR SDK to run on Raspberry Pi using Python)
I don’t want to put a new .img on my sd card since it came preconfigured from sparkfun (RVR advanced autonomous kit) I found the sphero SDK and it just opens then quickly closes. My question is, how do I connect to the RVR? see the camera? remotely drive it, let it drive it’s self, see the GPS data and so on?
I have, I’ve created the file in linux for the wifi config followed the steps, I must be missing something, I have python installed (win 10 ) the SDK just opens fast then closes. Not sure how to get around that. THanks
If you bought our kit, you should use the pre-configured SD card; the SDK is already downloaded. If you have overwritten the image, follow the [troubleshooting section of the hookup guide.
Instructions for [adding the SDK manually can be found on the page TS-Brandon linked, about a third of the way down. There is also a [How to link on that webpage for how to use the Sphero SDK.
As a heads up, the Sphero SDK isn’t intended to run on a Windows desktop. You run it on the Raspberry Pi. I highly recommend following the [Getting Started with the Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR guide for getting started with the basics of the kit.](Getting Started with the Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR - SparkFun Learn)](https://sdk.sphero.com/docs/how_to/raspberry_pi/rp_python_how_to/)](https://sdk.sphero.com/docs/getting_started/raspberry_pi/raspberry_pi_setup/#get-the-code)](Getting Started with the Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR - SparkFun Learn)