Would like help on my RVR Advanced Autonomous Kit. (Repost from Kits)

Note: This is a re-post from the Kits section; I felt like the topic was better suited to this area. The original post has since been deleted.

I am very new to the world of Raspberry Pi and have purchased the [Advanced Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR from a while back. Perhaps not the best idea for a beginner, I know. I am currently in the “Initial Hardware Tests” phase of the [tutorial that comes with it. I have initialized my Raspberry Pi Zero W through MicroSD card and installed the Sparkfun pre-configured image for the kit using Balena Etcher. I am running the Pi (with Pi Servo pHAT on) through SSH in the Command Prompt of my Windows 11.

I have quite a few problems.

Firstly, whenever I plug my camera cable into the camera port, the ```
vcgencmd get_camera

Second, plugging the GPS or MUX into the Sparkfun pHAT means that the Pi shuts down like it did with the camera. I don't know how to test if the wires are broken or not. When I try and use the included GPS code it returns Error 121: Remote I/O Error.

Third and finally, running ```
sudo apt-get full-upgrade
``` resulted in the system running out of disk storage. I configured the RPi to use the full disk, and then it went through with the upgrade but returned something like a FatalException where the code was missing a newline in some program. I am writing from memory; I (hopefully) will get back with more information.

I am sorry if anything is missing or incorrect here (this is my first post), and thank you for helping. Does anyone have any ideas about my predicament?](http://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-the-autonomous-kit-for-the-sphero-rvr)](http://https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/15303)

I know there’s a typo here https://github.com/sparkfun/sparkfun_au … lain=1#L15 where the RPi needs to eb changed to RPI in the folder name

Though without the locking tab working, it might not be able actually communicate…if you have some sharp test leads on a multimeter you could probably stab into the trace to ensure a connection is being made

Thank you for your response. After doing a bit more Googling and talking with a few other people, I have reason to believe that the ribbon cable isn’t connecting with the pins of the Zero. It’s currently quite late, so I’ll try putting an insert between the top of the cable and the connector tomorrow. I’ll (hopefully) follow up soon, letting you know how that goes. I also have a replacement ribbon cable and camera on the way (should get here around the 9th). For me, the folder is named with a lowercase i, not an uppercase I. I’m very new to this; could you please tell me how, exactly, to test the “trace?”

P.S. I now can update the Pi just fine. I don’t know what I did to get it to work.

Following up.

Now the RPi doesn’t want to update. I get the following error, like in my first post on this thread:

dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
 files list file for package 'libreoffice-help-en-gb' is missing final newline
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

So I tried uninstalling libreoffice (a program for office productivity) using pip uninstall libreoffice and got ```
~Skipping libreoffice as it is not installed.

Then I tried using```
sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*

and it returned the first error. Do you have any tips on how to completely uninstall it?

Also using the paper insert didn’t work. My theory is that I didn’t know what I was doing after my first test and shorted out the camera by literally unplugging it while it was running. Even taking off the pHAT and powering the Pi directly doesn’t get the camera to work.

As always, thank you for your help.