I nearly fell off my chair when Sparkfun told me the Transchip TC5747 camera has been discontinued…but Transchip and Redtreet (their distribution) confirm there are no more supplies of this model.
In fact, Transchip have axed all their VGA resolution cameras.
Redtree have an equivalent model available for those interested…requires a bit more in the way of glue to work.
Note to all users: Do not buy any cameras that are meant for use with the GSM modules. :-p
That’s the second one axed!
Now that I’ve had a chance to look around, who’s this redtree? Do we even have a part number or datasheet? I found a [Redtree Solutions which fits, as [Redtree Industries doesn’t seem to do much electronics.
Yes, redtree solutions are the guys that few months ago answered me and provided the Transchip Api.
So now, after couple of months working on my little project, having it ready but frying my only camera module by mistake… i can trash it all!!!
That sucks big time… :x
If anybody finds one of such cameras hidden in a drawer and has no use for it, i would not mind to buy it…
Hi Steve - I am just starting up work on a project using one of these cameras, but with the part no longer in production I no longer have interest in using it - so I would be willing to sell it. I also have a couple connectors for it which I would also want to get rid of, naturally. Are you in the USA?
no, I’m currently in Germany. I’m waiting for an answer from the redtree guys actually, I wrote an email to the same guy who sent me the api time ago, who knows, maybe there’s a distributor in my area that doesn’t mind getting rid of one or two modules for a fair price.
I let you know in a couple of days what happens, thanks for the offer!
but… by the way, your nick reversed is “Michael”, are you german?
no, I’m currently in Germany. I’m waiting for an answer from the redtree guys actually, I wrote an email to the same guy who sent me the api time ago, who knows, maybe there’s a distributor in my area that doesn’t mind getting rid of one or two modules for a fair price.
I let you know in a couple of days what happens, thanks for the offer!
but… by the way, your nick reversed is “Michael”, are you german?
Hi Steve - I'm only 1/4 German. Are Germans known for doing things backwards?
On a related note another telit/transchip supplier, [Round Solutions, has recently run into a similar problem from the TC5747 being discontinued. Their solution was to field their own camera (called the CAM-VGA100) - it looks like a standard VGA cmos imager (an omnivision 7640 series) attached to the omnivision OV528 image processor, which converts the parallel video data into a .jpg for serial transmission at 115.2.
The camera looks like a pretty sweet deal, if it weren’t for the ridiculous pricing: $59/ea in qty 1 PLUS $77 for shipping to the USA. Oh, and there is a minimum $130 before-shipping order requirement, otherwise they throw on a 30 euro “handling fee”.](http://www.roundsolutions.com)
The are megapixel and brand new, even with lenses etc. No words on electronics glue on board, might be too far fetched, but… maybe in some time we’ll get news on them…
geekything> I’ve actually bought one of the C628 camera modules - I am trying to use something that I can directly interface to a Telit module, so serial or I2C were important.
The C628 is basically more like a digital camera on a couple of boards - it takes an SD card and works as USB mass storage - and is controlled using a serial protocol (you can download but not upload files off the SD card over the serial link too).
There is very little technical documentation - so a bit of trial and error was needed to interpret the protocol…