I am laying out a shield with a LSM303 breakout board on it. The BOB will be powered from the Arduino Uno. Is it necessary to place a bypass capacitor on the power/ground on this board? If so, what is the recommended value, type and size?
The data sheet has the info you need. It says 2 bypass caps - I would believe them. It’s a good practice to put bypass caps as close to the power/gnd pins a possible. In fact, I would try to keep all 4 of the caps they show in the application hints section of the datasheet close to the chip.
By the way, be careful of where you route any lines that carry more than 10mA of current - they can effect the magnetometer.
It looks like a pretty interesting chip. I hope you report on your experiences.
Thanks for the reply. I checked the SFE schematic for the BOB and saw that there is already bypasses as you and the data sheet describe. They are labeled C1 (10uF) and C2 (0.1uF) which seem to be as per the data sheet. I guess I need not worry about adding them to my shield!