c++ on ARM STR712FR2

Hello everyone,

I’m gettin trouble while using C and C++ compiler for my µC. I’m able to get every object file, but during the link, using :

arm-elf-ld -M -e _start -T …/startup/rom71x.ld obj/startup.o obj/vector.o obj/71x_lib.o obj/71x_gpio.o obj/71x_uart.o

obj/71x_rccu.o obj/71x_flash.o obj/71x_pcu.o obj/71x_xti.o obj/71x_adc12.o obj/71x_rtc.o obj/71x_wdg.o obj/71x_bspi.o ob

j/71x_it.o pEnvoyeur.o pRecepteur.o RTDS_encdecMsgData.o RTDS_Start.o RTDS_OS.o RTDS_BinarySemaphoreProcess.o RTDS_Count

ingSemaphoreProcess.o RTDS_MutexSemaphoreProcess.o RTDS_SemaphoreProcess.o RTDS_SemaphoreTakeProcedure.o RTDS_Proc.o RTD

S_Scheduler.o RTDS_InstanceManager.o /usr/lib/libc.a /usr/lib/libm.a /usr/lib/gcc-lib/arm-elf/3.2/libgcc.a \

-o V10_01A-rom.elf > V10_01A-rom.elf.map

I’am facing these errors:

undefined reference to `free’

undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned long)’

undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)’

So my first idea was to add some lib, as libc, libgcc … And as you can see it’s not working at all. Have you faced the same issue? I have seen this topic viewtopic.php?f=11&t=20736 with the same kind of problem, but there is not the solution used by the author :frowning:

If anyone could help me it would be great.

Thanks, Heero_91


You could able to resolve this?

I have the same issue.

Can you please post here, if its resolved.