Can you explain this message?

Error[e16]: Segment RESET (size: 0x2 align: 0x1) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x2 more bytes needed. The problem  
occurred while processing the segment placement command "-Z(CONST)RESET=FFFE-FFFF", where at the moment of  
placement the available memory ranges were "-none-" 
   Reserved ranges relevant to this placement: 
   ffe0-ffff            INTVEC 
Error while running Linker 

Total number of errors: 1 
Total number of warnings: 0

This is my first program load other than the tutorial. I got it from the last copy of N&V and copied it into the workspace. This is what I get when I build it and I have no idea what I need to do. I found where this is defined but don’t know enough yet to make an informed change. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Not sure, but I think you have two alternative ways to avoid this problem.

(a) Do not use “RSEG RESET” nor “ORG 0FFFEh” to allocate your reset vector.

(b) Use “RSEG INTVEC” or “ORG 0FFE0h” to allocate exactly 16 vectors. The 16th vector is your reset vector.

— or —

(a) Use “RSEG RESET” or “ORG 0FFFEh” to allocate your reset vector.

(b) Use “RSEG INTVEC” or “ORG 0FFE0h” to allocate up to 15 other vectors. Do not include your reset vector here.

Thanks, I’ll try that tomorrow.

Sorry if there is a better way to include code. This is what I’m trying to compile. It’s not my code but a program from Nuts and Volts January '08. It compiles with only the one Linker error and I didn’t find an obvious point to change the code suggested. Thanks for looking at this for me.

; Digital Domain Color Organ Program for the MSP430F2012
; The ADC10 is used to digitize audio samples at ~16000 samples/second. The
; samples are processed by a noise gate and an AGC (automatic gain control)
; function to keep the sampled data in a range suitable for filtering.
; The agc'ed samples are then sent to four 3rd order digital 
; filters for the four bands: low, low mid, high mid and high. The outputs
; of the filters are processed and used to PWM the brightness of the output
; LEDs. 
; Most of the color organ functions performed in the "old days" with analog
; circuitry are performed in this design.
; Written and Copyright by: Craig A. Lindley
; Version: 1.0
; Last update: 06/26/2007
#include  "msp430x20x2.h"
; Register aliases used in this program
#define	in	R4
#define out	R5
#define	acc	R6
#define	p	R7
#define	in1	R8
#define in2	R9
#define out1	R10
#define out2	R11
; Program Equates
; Noise gate and decay processor equates
MIN_SAMPLE	EQU	10		; Any sample less than this becomes 0
MIN_PWM_SAMPLE	EQU	17		; Any sample less than this becomes 0
DECAY_COUNT	EQU	2000		; Clear filter histories after this
; AGC equates
MAX_SAMPLE	EQU	8192		; Max value for max light output
PEAK_THRESHOLD	EQU	MAX_SAMPLE / 10	;Threshold for gain adjustments
PEAKS_MAX	EQU	30		; Number of peaks before gain lowered
PEAKS_MIN	EQU	5		; Number of peaks before gain raised
COUNTED_SAMPLES	EQU	1000		; Samples in 1/16th of a second
; AGC state machine equates
; ADC equates
ADCIN		EQU	INCH_3		; External ADC input is A3 on P1.3
; PWM equates
; Output slot equates
; Do output channel assignment
; LP=red,LM=yellow,HM=green,HP=blue
; LP=blue,LM=green,HM=yellow,HP=red

; Data segment
LowLPDelay0	DS	2
LowLPDelay1	DS	2
LowLPDelay2	DS	2

LowMidLPDelay0	DS	2
LowMidLPDelay1	DS	2
LowMidLPDelay2	DS	2
LowMidHPDelay0	DS	2
LowMidHPDelay1	DS	2
LowMidHPDelay2	DS	2

HighMidLPDelay0	DS	2
HighMidLPDelay1	DS	2
HighMidLPDelay2	DS	2
HighMidHPDelay0	DS	2
HighMidHPDelay1	DS	2
HighMidHPDelay2	DS	2

HighHPDelay0	DS	2
HighHPDelay1	DS	2
HighHPDelay2	DS	2

LowOutput	DS	2
LowMidOutput	DS	2
HighMidOutput	DS	2
HighOutput	DS	2

Gain		DS	2
Slot		DS	2
DecayCount	DS	2
SampleCount	DS	2
PeakCount	DS	2
State		DS	2
; Code segment
	ASEGN	CODE			; Start of FLASH
; Do processor initialization
main	mov	#0280h,SP		; Initialize stackpointer
	mov	#WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL	; Stop WDT for now
; Set DCO to 16 MHz
	mov.b	&CALDCO_16MHZ,&DCOCTL	; Load calibration data for  
	mov.b	&CALBC1_16MHZ,&BCSCTL1	; 16MHZ DCO
; Set SMCK to DCO/8 or 2MHZ. SMCLK used by ADC10, TimerA and WDT
	mov.b	#DIVS0+DIVS1,&BCSCTL2
; Do application initialization
	call	#appInit
; Loop forever
l1	nop
	jmp	l1
; ADC10 interrupt service routine
;  Called for each new sample ~ 16000 times/second
	mov	&ADC10MEM,in		; Get new sample
	sub	#0x1FF,in		; Remove DC component
; Noise gate function
; This function monitors the value of the input sample and if it is less
; than the threshold it is set equal to zero.
; in in "in" register
; out in "out" register
; Do absolute value on in -> out
	mov	in,out			; Move in to out
	tst	out			; Test out against 0
	jge	ng0			; if out >= 0, jmp to done
	inv	out			; out < 0 so do 2's comp
	inc	out

ng0	cmp	#MIN_SAMPLE,out		; Is sample above threshold ?
	jge	ng1			; Jmp if it is
	clr	in			; Otherwise set sample to 0
; Decay processor function
; This processor looks for long runs of zero samples and if DecayCount number
; are found the filter histories are reset so filter outputs go to zero.
; in in the "in" register
; no output from this function other than filters reset when appropriate
	tst	in			; Do we have a non zero sample ?
	jnz	d1			; Jmp if so
	tst	&DecayCount		; Have we fully decayed ?
	jnz	d2			; Jmp if not
	call	#initFilters		; Fully decayed so reinit filters
	clr	&Gain			; Also set gain to unity
d1	mov	#DECAY_COUNT,&DecayCount; Reset decay count
	jmp	d3
d2	dec	&DecayCount		; Decrement decay count
; AGC gain element
;   Provides gain to a sample depending upon the value of
;   the Gain variable. If Gain = 0, sample is returned
;   unchanged. If Gain > 0, the sample is amplified. Gain attentuation
;   is never needed.
; in in the "in" register
; out in the "in" register
	tst	in			; Is input sample zero ?
	jz	ge1			; If yes no gain correction is possible
	tst	&Gain			; Unity gain ?
	jz	ge1			; Jmp if so as there is nothing to do
; Gain is to be adjusted
	mov	&Gain,R14		; Get the Gain
	rla	R14			; Convert to index
	mov	#gainTbl,R15		; Pt at end of gainTbl
	sub	R14,R15			; R15 is ptr to code
	call	R15			; Execute proper number of rla's
; AGC state machine
;    This state machine is executed every sample and the complete state machine
;    is executed every 1/16th of a second. Gain can be modified only once each 
;    state machine execution. This state machine sets the Gain variable. The
;    code above manipulates the actual samples.
; Dispatch to current state
;   States are ordered for efficiency
	cmp	#STATE_2,&State
	jeq	state2
	cmp	#STATE_1,&State
	jeq	state1
	cmp	#STATE_3,&State
	jeq	state3
	cmp	#STATE_4,&State
	jeq	state4	
; STATE 0 - Set gain to unity and transistion to STATE 1
;   This state is only entered once.
state0	clr	&Gain				; Set unity gain
	mov	#STATE_1,&State			; Go to STATE 1
	jmp	smExit
; STATE 1 - Clear counts and transistion to STATE 2
;   This state is entered at least every 1/16 of a second or
;   every 1000 samples. Everytime the state machines restarts it starts in
;   this state.
state1	clr	&SampleCount			; Clear count of samples
	clr	&PeakCount			; Clear count of peaks
	mov	#STATE_2,&State			; Go to STATE 2
	jmp	smExit
; STATE 2 - Count samples and peaks
;   State machine will remain in this state until either the time interval
;   has been exceeded or the maximum number of peaks have been detected. 
;   Transition to STATE 3 occurs if maximum peaks have been exceeded.
;   Transition to STATE 4 occurs if time interval exceeded.
state2	inc	&SampleCount			; Increment sample count
; Take absolute value of in -> out
	mov	in,out				; Move in to out
	tst	out				; Test out against 0
	jge	state20				; if out >= 0, jmp to done
	inv	out				; out < 0 so do 2's comp
	inc	out

state20	cmp	#PEAK_THRESHOLD,out		; Is sample above max ?
	jl	state21				; Jmp if not
	inc	&PeakCount			; Count the peak
	cmp	#PEAKS_MAX,&PeakCount 		; Has peak count been exceeded ?
	jl	state21				; Jmp if not
	mov	#STATE_3,&State			; Go to STATE 3			
	jmp	smExit
state21	cmp	#COUNTED_SAMPLES,&SampleCount	; Has time interval exceeded ?
	jne	smExit				; Jmp if not
	mov	#STATE_4,&State			; Time exceeded, go to STATE4
	jmp	smExit
; STATE 3 - Maximum peaks have been exceeded so gain is reduced and a transition
;   to STATE 1 occurs to restart state machine.
state3	dec	&Gain				; Decrease the gain
	mov	#STATE_1,&State			; Go to STATE 1
	jmp	smExit
; STATE 4 - Counted samples have expired so a transition to STATE 1 occurs. If
;   to few peaks were detected in this interval, gain is increased.
state4	cmp	#PEAKS_MIN,&PeakCount		; Were minimum peaks detected ?
	jge	state41				; If not go to STATE 1
	cmp	#GAIN_MAX,&Gain			; Limit how high the gain can go
	jge	state41
	inc	&Gain				; Increase gain
state41	mov	#STATE_1,&State			; Go to STATE 1
	push	in			; Place gain adjusted sample on stack
; Low Frequency Low Pass Lattice Wave Digital Filter
; Third order Chebyshev with fc ~ 115 Hz
; Horner equations generated with
; Adaptor 0	 Type 1
; Adaptor 1	 Type 4
; Adaptor 2	 Type 1
; Alpha0 = 0.029038268420706226
; Alpha1 = 0.029021120245024568
; Alpha2 = 0.0011984646525969866
; Adapter implementation order: 0,2,1 
; Adaptor 0 - Type 1
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	&LowLPDelay0,in2	; delay int in2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-4 - X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-3 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-4 + X
;Fraction result = T3 * 2^-5

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc

	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowLPDelay0	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; out1 = out2 - p
	mov	acc,out1		; Save top output
; Adaptor 2 - Type 1
	mov	&LowLPDelay1,in1	; in1 = delay1
	mov	&LowLPDelay2,in2	; in2 = delay2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-3 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T2 * 2^-10

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowLPDelay2	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Adaptor 1 - Type 4
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	acc,in2			; out from previous stage
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 - X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-3 - X
;7T4 = T3 * 2^-4 + X
;Fraction result = T4 * 2^-5

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc is out2
	mov	acc,&LowLPDelay1	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc is out1
; Combine outputs
	add	out1,acc		; sum of output1 + output2
	rra	acc			; divide by two
	mov	acc,in
	call	#processForPWM		; Process result for PWM usage
	mov	out,&LowOutput		; Result in LowOutput

	pop	in			; Get input sample again
 	push	in
; Low/Mid Frequency Band Pass Lattice Wave Digital Filter
; Made with third order CauerEllipic HP and LP filter sections
; fc ~ 600 Hz 
; Horner equations generated with
; High Pass Filter Specs
; Adaptor 0	 Type 1
; Adaptor 1	 Type 4
; Adaptor 2	 Type 1
; Alpha = 0.1506240867800397
; Alpha = 0.1226961162560467
; Alpha = 0.015895377584976056
; Low Pass Filter Specs
; Adaptor 0	 Type 1
; Adaptor 1	 Type 4
; Adaptor 2	 Type 1
; Alpha = 0.2554927751405798
; Alpha = 0.17297510883210843
; Alpha = 0.048924617642919443
; Adapter implementation order: HP0,HP2,HP1,LP0,LP2,LP1 
; Adaptor 0 of HP section - Type 1
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	&LowMidHPDelay0,in2	; delay into in2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-4 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-3 + X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 + X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T5 * 2^-3

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowMidHPDelay0	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; out1 = out2 - p
	mov	acc,out1		; acc is out1

; Adaptor 2 of HP section - Type 1
	mov	&LowMidHPDelay1,in1	; in1 = delay1
	mov	&LowMidHPDelay2,in2	; in2 = delay2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-4 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-6 + X
;Fraction result = T2 * 2^-6

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc

	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowMidHPDelay2	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Adaptor 1 of HP section - Type 4
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	acc,in2			; out1 from previous stage
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-3 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-6 + X
;Fraction result = T4 * 2^-3

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc

	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowMidHPDelay1	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Combine outputs for high pass function
	sub	acc,out1
	rra	out1
	mov	out1,out2
; Adapter 0 of LP section - Type 1
	mov	out2,in1		; out2 has high pass output
	mov	&LowMidLPDelay0,in2	; delay into in2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-3 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 + X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-5 + X
;Fraction result = T5 * 2^-2

	mov     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	sub     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	sub     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowMidLPDelay0	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; out1 = out2 - p
	mov	acc,out1		; Save top output
; Adaptor 2 of LP section - Type 1
	mov	&LowMidLPDelay1,in1	; in1 = delay1
	mov	&LowMidLPDelay2,in2	; in2 = delay2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-4 + X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-3 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T4 * 2^-4

	mov     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	sub     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc

	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowMidLPDelay2	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Adaptor 1 of LP section - Type 4
	mov	out2,in1
	mov	acc,in2
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-3 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-4 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T4 * 2^-2

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&LowMidLPDelay1	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out2
; Combine outputs
	add	out1,acc
	rra	acc
	mov	acc,in
	call	#processForPWM		; Process result for PWM usage
	mov	out,&LowMidOutput	; Result in LowMidOutput

	pop	in			; Get input sample
 	push	in
; High/Mid Frequency Band Pass Lattice Wave Digital Filter
; Made with third order CauerElliptic HP and LP filter sections
; fc ~ 2.4 KHz
; Horner equations generated with
; High Pass Filter Specs
; Adaptor 0	 Type 2
; Adaptor 1	 Type 4
; Adaptor 2	 Type 1
; Alpha = 0.3525975077291272
; Alpha = 0.4536651886901931
; Alpha = 0.3789313695495832
; Low Pass Filter Specs
; Adaptor 0	 Type 2
; Adaptor 1	 Type 4
; Adaptor 2	 Type 2
; Alpha = 0.21581589315641658
; Alpha = 0.4739679570641818
; Alpha = 0.41328688498417915
; Adapter implementation order: HP0,HP2,HP1,LP0,LP2,LP1 
; Adaptor 0 of HP section - Type 2
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	&HighMidHPDelay0,in2	; delay int in2
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-4 + X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-3 + X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 - X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-2 - X
;T6 = T5 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T6 * 2^-1

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra	acc
	push	acc
	add	in1,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighMidHPDelay0	; store delay for next time
	pop	acc
	add	in2,acc			; out1 = out2 - p
	mov	acc,out1		; acc is out1
; Adaptor 2 of HP section - Type 1
	mov	&HighMidHPDelay1,in1	; in1 = delay1
	mov	&HighMidHPDelay2,in2	; in2 = delay2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-8 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-5 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T3 * 2^-1

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
	add	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighMidHPDelay2	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Adaptor 1 of HP section - Type 4
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	acc,in2			; out1 from previous stage
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-3 + X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-5 + X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 - X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-3 + X
;Fraction result = T5 * 2^-1

	mov     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	sub     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighMidHPDelay1	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Combine outputs for high pass function
	sub	acc,out1
	rra	out1
	mov	out1,out2
; Adapter 0 of LP section - Type 2
	mov	out2,in1		; out2 has high pass output
	mov	&HighMidLPDelay0,in2	; delay int in2
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-6 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-3 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-3 + X
;Fraction result = T4 * 2^-2

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc

	push	acc
	add	in1,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighMidLPDelay0	; store delay for next time
	pop	acc
	add	in2,acc
	mov	acc,out1		; Save top output
; Adaptor 2 of LP section - Type 2
	mov	&HighMidLPDelay1,in1	; in1 = delay1
	mov	&HighMidLPDelay2,in2	; in2 = delay2
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 - X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 + X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-3 + X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-2 + X
;T6 = T5 * 2^-2 - X
;T7 = T6 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T7 * 2^-1

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc

	push	acc
	add	in1,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighMidLPDelay2	; store delay for next time
	pop	acc
	add	in2,acc			; acc = out1
; Adaptor 1 of LP section - Type 4
	mov	out2,in1
	mov	acc,in2
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 + X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 + X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 + X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 + X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-3 - X
;T6 = T5 * 2^-4 + X
;Fraction result = T6 * 2^-1

	mov     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	sub     p,acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	rra     acc
	add     p,acc
	rra     acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighMidLPDelay1	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Combine outputs
	add	out1,acc
	rra	acc
	mov	acc,in
	call	#processForPWM		; Process result for PWM usage
	mov	out,&HighMidOutput	; Result in HighMidOutput

	pop	in			; Get input sample, clear stack
; High Frequency High Pass Lattice Wave Digital Filter
; Third order Chebyshev with fc ~ 6.2 KHz
; Horner equations generated with
; Adaptor 0	 Type 3
; Adaptor 1	 Type 4
; Adaptor 2	 Type 4
; Alpha = 0.35290166046448673
; Alpha = 0.4823641184368461
; Alpha = 0.30404751604718305
; Adapter implementation order: 0,2,1 
; Adaptor 0 - Type 3
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	&HighHPDelay0,in2	; delay int in2
	mov	in1,p			; p = in1
	sub	in2,p			; p = in1 - in2

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-3 - X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-2 + X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-2 + X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-2 - X
;T6 = T5 * 2^-2 - X
;T7 = T6 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T7 * 2^-1

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc

	push	acc

	sub	in1,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighHPDelay0	; store delay for next time
	pop	acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out1
	mov	acc,out1		; Save top output
; Adaptor 2 - Type 4
	mov	&HighHPDelay1,in1	; in1 = delay1
	mov	&HighHPDelay2,in2	; in2 = delay2
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-2 - X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-2 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-4 - X
;T4 = T3 * 2^-3 + X
;T5 = T4 * 2^-2 + X
;Fraction result = T5 * 2^-2

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighHPDelay2	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1
; Adaptor 1 - Type 4
	mov	in,in1			; sample into in1
	mov	acc,in2			; out from previous stage
	mov	in2,p			; p = in2
	sub	in1,p			; p = in2 - in1

;Horner equations:
;T1 = X * 2^-5 - X
;T2 = T1 * 2^-3 - X
;T3 = T2 * 2^-5 + X
;Fraction result = T3 * 2^-1

        mov     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        sub     p,acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        rra     acc
        add     p,acc
        rra     acc
	sub	in2,acc			; acc = out2
	mov	acc,&HighHPDelay1	; store delay for next time
	sub	p,acc			; acc = out1 of stage or output2 of filter
; Combine outputs for HP output
	sub	acc,out1		; sum of output1 - output2
	rra	out1			; divide by two
	mov	out1,in
	call	#processForPWM		; Process result for PWM usage
	mov	out,&HighOutput		; Result in HighOutput
; Process the filter outputs into form suitable for driving PWM circuitry
; in in the "in" register.
; out in the "out" register
; Take the absolute value of the filtered sample because we only want
; positive sample values for PWM calculations.
	mov	in,out			; Move in to out
	tst	out			; Test out against 0
	jge	p0			; if out >= 0, jmp to done
	inv	out			; out < 0 so do 2's comp
	inc	out
p0	cmp	#MIN_PWM_SAMPLE,out	; Is sample below min ?
	jge	p1
	mov	#PWM_OFF,out		; Turn output off
p1	cmp	#MAX_SAMPLE,out		; Is sample above max ?
	jl	p2			; Jmp if not
	mov	#MAX_SAMPLE,out		; Clip if it is
; Multiply sample value by 0.059814
; This converts the range of sample values from 0..8192 to the range of
; PWM values, 0..490. This is done because above 490
; there are known crosstalk problems.
p2	mov	out,acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	add	out,acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	add	out,acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	sub	out,acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	add	out,acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
	rra	acc
; Substract processed sample value from 500. Sample range of 0..490
; becomes 500..10. This conversion is necessary because the larger
; the sample value the smaller PWM count it has because this causes the
; widest possible PWM pulse for maximum LED brightness.
	mov	#PWM_PERIOD,out		; Load PWM period value
	sub	acc,out			; Convert calculated PWM value
; AGC gain tables
	rla	in			; Indexed gain table
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
	rla	in
gainTbl	ret
; Initialize filter histories and filter outputs to zero
	mov	#22,R14
	mov	#LowLPDelay0,R15
if1	clr 	0(R15)
	inc	R15
	inc	R15
	dec	R14
	tst	R14
	jnz	if1
; Application initialization
; Port initialization for color organ
;  P1.0 and P1.1 will be the demux outputs
;  P1.2 will be the PWM pulse output
;  P1.3 will be the analog input to the ADC10
	mov.b	#PWM_BIT,&P1OUT		; All bits except P1.2 set off
	bis.b	#0x07,&P1DIR		; Set P1.0, P1.1 and P1.2 to outputs
	bis.b	#PWM_BIT,&P1SEL		; P1.2/TA1 set for PWM out
; ADC10 initialization
;  For ADC10CTL0
;   Select reference: VR+ = VREF+ and VR- = VSS
;   Sample and hold time: 4 ADC10CLKs
;   Sampling rate: up to ~50 ksps
;   Reference output: off
;   Reference burst: reference buffer on continuously
;   Multiple sample and conversion: Automatic conversions as fast as possible
;   Reference generator voltage: 2.5V
;   Reference generator on: on
;   ADC10on: adc10 on
;   ADC10 interrupt enable: interrupt enabled
;   Enable conversion: ADC10 disabled (until later)
;   Start conversion: no sample and conversion start (until later)
; For ADC10CTL1
;   Input channel select: ADCIN
;   Sample and hold source select: ADC10SC
;   ADC10 data format: not two compliment
;   Invert signal sample and hold: not inverted
;   ADC10 clock divider: divide by 7
;   ADC10 clock source: SMCLK
;   Conversion sequence mode select: repeat single channel
; For ADC10AE0
;   ADC10 analog enable: A3
	bis.b	0x08,&ADC10AE0
; Watch dog timer initialization
;   Set to interval mode with SM clock/512
;   This should cause an interval interrupt every 256 microseconds
; Timer A initialization
;  Timer is set for PWM mode. We want the timer to be a one shot
;  When enabled it should count up and output a PWM pulse. After the
;  pulse is produced the next WDT interrupt stops TA. It will be restarted
;  when output is needed again.
	mov	#PWM_PERIOD,&TACCR0	; Set period  
	mov	#PWM_PERIOD,&TACCR1	; Initial PWM value for no output
	mov	#TASSEL1,&TACTL		; Set Timer A up mode, SMCLK as clock
	mov	#OUTMOD_7,&TACCTL1	; Set output mode 7 for TA1
; Variable initialization
	clr	&Gain			; Set initial gain to unity
	clr	&State			; Set agc state to zero
	clr	&Slot			; Determines which channnel to output
	mov	#DECAY_COUNT,&DecayCount; Initialize decay processor count
	call	#initFilters		; Set all filter delay elements to zero
; Setup for servicing interrupts
	bis.b	#GIE,SR			; Get general interrupt enable
	bis.b	#WDTIE,IE1		; Enable the watch dog interrupt
; Put the ADC into automatic single channel sample mode
	bis	#ENC+ADC10SC,&ADC10CTL0
; Watch dog timer interrupt service routine
;  This isr is executed every 256 micro seconds. Each time it is executed
;  output is performed for a different slot/channel. Output for each 
;  slot/channel is performed for a maximum of 250 microseconds every 
;  1.024 milliseconds. PWM is used to control the brightness of output.
;  Timer A is used to generate a PWM pulse with a duty cycle proportional to
;  the value to be output. Timer A is disabled at the start of each interrupt
;  and then turned back on to time the output pulse for a given slot/channel.
;  Note: no registers are used in this isr so none need to be saved/restored
wdt_isr	bic	#MC0,&TACTL		; Disable TA
; Is it time for Low output ?
	cmp	#LP_SLOT,&Slot		; Time for Low output ?
	jne	wd1			; No check next slot/channel
; Yes, time for Low output. 
	mov.b	#LP_MUX_BITS,&P1OUT	; Set mux bits
	mov	&LowOutput,&TACCR1	; Set the duty cycle
	jmp	wd4
; Is it time for LowMid output ?
wd1	cmp	#LM_SLOT,&Slot		; Time for LowMid output ?
	jne	wd2			; No check next slot/channel
; Yes, time for LowMid output. 
	mov.b	#LM_MUX_BITS,&P1OUT	; Set mux bits
	mov	&LowMidOutput,&TACCR1	; Set the duty cycle
	jmp	wd4
; Is it time for HighMid output ?
wd2	cmp	#HM_SLOT,&Slot		; Time for HighMid output ?
	jne	wd3			; No check next slot/channel
; Yes, time for HighMid output. 
	mov.b	#HM_MUX_BITS,&P1OUT	; Set mux bits
	mov	&HighMidOutput,&TACCR1	; Set the duty cycle
	jmp	wd4
; By default it is time for Highs output. 
wd3	mov.b	#HP_MUX_BITS,&P1OUT	; Set mux bits
	mov	&HighOutput,&TACCR1	; Set the duty cycle
; Turn TA on to time the PWM pulse
wd4	clr	&TAR			; Reset TA counter to zero
	bis	#MC0,&TACTL		; Enable TA for PWM pulse
	inc	&Slot			; Set up for next time
	cmp	#NO_SLOT,&Slot
	jne	wd5
	clr	&Slot
wd5	reti
; Vector segment
; Assign the various vectors
	ORG	ADC10_VECTOR		; ADC10 vector
	DW	adc10_isr

	ORG	WDT_VECTOR		; Watch dog timer vector
	DW	wdt_isr
	DW	main	                ; POR vector
; End of program

I tried to assemble. link, and debug the code you quoted with KickStart. Did not see the error msg you found.

Actually, I tried the most recent two versions of KickStart – and, both downloaded from TI website.

What are you using?

By the way, the code is in assembly. Did you set up the project as an assembly project?

By the way, the code is in assembly. Did you set up the project as an assembly project?

I tried to set up the project as a c project and it generated the error you have seen. To fix that, click [Project]=>[Options…], select [General Options] screen. Under the [Target] tab, check the [Assembly only] box.

Using slac050q. I set the checkbox as you suggested and it compiled just fine. I am still learning and don’t understand all the settings. I tried to create an asm project but that didn’t seem to work. I’ll continue forward from here and thanks for sticking with me on this.