Can you help me with the simplest thing on the planet please

I’ve been looking for something extremely simple for a couple of years now and just can’t find it. I’m sure I can put something together myself with a few simple bits of kit from you guys. I don’t know what most of the stuff on your website is, but I’m sure you’ve got something there that will do this simple job.

I am devoted to the wild birds in my garden, and have several feeding stations. However during autumn and winter the starlings arrive and strip the feeders bare in minutes. I chase them away by screaming at them 50 times a day, and am likely to have a heart attack before long. I need a different way.

What I want to do - attach a simple LOUD buzzer to the feeding station(s) which I can activate via a remote control from my kitchen or bedroom whenever a starling arrives, to spook it away. The buzzer needs to be weatherproof, but I can enclose it in something, like an external junction box, if necessary. There’s no power near the feeders, so the buzzer needs to be battery powered.

I have a basic knowledge of electronics, and a soldering kit, and wire strippers, crimpers etc

Any advice very much appreciated.

Thanks very much.

I would look for a wireless doorbell on battery (e.g. on Amazon) . Multiple sounds to select and if not scaring them off, add an extra buzzer.

I’d just go with a wireless momentary switch. There are a bunch on Amazon & ebay, most of dodgy quality but the prices are right. A medium-sized sealed lead acid battery will probably keep the receiver powered for quite a long time. One of those electro-mechanical buzzers from an old smoke detector should get their attention. I’d get a receiver with a relay in case you want to add something stronger than a buzzer like a perch shaker or motorized flag waver.

Example, though not a particular recommendation: … B01A6VO79M

I hope the birds don’t become desensitized to your attempts too quickly.

Great. Both look like simple solutions. I’ll investigate.

Thanks very much for your time

Great. Both look like simple solutions. I’ll investigate.

Thanks very much for your time

Hi, just wondering if you ended up building something. I have the same problem, but involving deer and my strawberry garden.