Cannot execute python script on telit GM862

Hi all,

I am pulling my hair out on this one.

I can load the python files onto the chip (using the Rstream and hyperterminal)

I enable the script


I run AT#execscr


… It says ok, but it doesn’t run! It has run maybe once in the past, but i cannot replicate it and I have tried hundreds of times…

I have tried with the DTR switch set to low AND tried with it set to high.

I am very frustrated. Any help would be appreciated… Thanks guys.

Is your code complex? It could be that your code is hanging, try a simple piece of code that maybe just prints something back to RSTerm, just to see that the Python script is executing.

AFAIK AT#EXECSCR is DTR independent, it is a software command.

I will try that, but for now my unit seems to be broken…

I don’t think that would work, if i recall correctly, i allready tried that. But my unit is back home, so i will try it again… Let me know if you have any other ideas in the mean time.

edit… removed for now until chip is working

I got the chip working and accepting AT commands, but it is not running the script when I say AT#EXECSCR

Yes, I enabled the script…

What is going on?

Noone else on the internet seems to be having problems with running a script.

same thing is happening in two 862 unit and one 863 unit of us. dont really know what is the problem.

Make sure your code is compatible with Python version 1.5.2. That’s about all I know on this subject.

You really need to know if the device is hanging. Also mine doesnt run when i do #execscr, I have to do a hard reset afterward and then leave it til the timout i set is up (which I always set to 10 seconds), THEN it starts to work. Take a look here:

This guy has made one that sends him a txt message, but he gives his code away for free so you can use his to test - that way you will know it is definitely not a problem in your code. I did this to get my HTTP up and running - I used text messages to debug and it was still cheaper than buying the debug module.

Guys, let me tell you if you didn’t know…when you upload an script to telit, it is uploaded as a txt file with .py extention. So, when you execute it, the python core inside, starts to compile the file and does it everytime you turn on the module.

If you have a large script, the core, can be hang up by several minutes trying to compile the script…

So, one: you have to pre compile the file and then upload it. How?, just put your mouse over the file, right click and compile. then upload it to telit and enable it.

or second: write a short script just calling to main one (the large script) and upload both. Then enable the short one and run it. The first time, you will have a big delay because the core will be compiling the first and the second script. But the last one will be saved inside as a compiled script (.pyo). This way, when you turn on the module, the core only will have to compile the first script (the short one).

Hope it help you.

PD:sorry my english…


I’m using GM862-GPS module and i’m having the same problem of executing the phyton script which i had uploaded. The same identical script was running and executed before but now it is not. Have anyone find out the solutions lately ?.. i’m dying to know…



I want to download a little script in module GE863-GPS, so, I follow somes instructions in I make the download, enable and exec. of my scipt. I just want to print a simple string like “hello world” in hyperterminal.

my script is:

import SER

a=SER.send(“hello world”)

I make de download of that script, and I see nothing?

Someone can help me?

thanks and sorry for my english